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Draft – New 7th Edition of SIAC Rules

The draft 7th edition of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) Rules ( was released for public consultation from 22 August 2023 to 21 November 2023. According to the SIAC, the draft draws from the SIAC's experience of administering more than 3,000 international cases under the SIAC Rules 2016 which involved parties from 106 jurisdictions across a range of seats and governing laws.

The draft 7th Edition represents a significant overhaul of the SIAC Rules 2016. As well as a considerable number of entirely new provisions, many of the Rules have been redrafted to provide greater clarity and to fit within an overall structure which better reflects the chronology of a typical SIAC arbitration. Changes and amendments cover – inter alia – the following provisions:

·               Implementation of a new case management systems (i.e., SIAC Gateway) – Rule 4.2
·               Streamlined Procedure – Rule 13 / Schedule 2
·               Expedited Procedure – Rule 14
·               Coordinated Proceedings – Rule 17
·               Provisions relating to Third-Party Funding – Rule 38
·               Additional Powers of the Tribunal – Rule 50.2(d)

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